
Why honeycomb cardboard displays?

Honeycomb cardboard is extremely sturdy and can carry a lot of weight but is still lightweight. This also makes it very easy for shop staff to set up, for example. Anything that can be made with wood can also be made with honeycomb cardboard. Honeycomb cardboard lasts longer and is made from recycled materials. The material can then be recycled again, which is why the material is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

FSC® label

The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) is the first international quality mark with strict requirements for sustainable and social forest management. The FSC quality mark provides assurance that the raw material for (among other things) paper and paper products comes from responsibly managed forests worldwide.

This means that the ecological, social and economic aspects involved in forest management are taken into account in a balanced way. The honeycomb cardboard that we use for the production of our displays has the FSC quality mark.          FSC-C178303

Benefits of honeycomb cardboard

  • Lightweight but very strong so it lasts a long time
  • Combines well with other materials to make beautiful constructions
  • It is environmentally friendly and sustainable because it lasts longer then it can be recycled

Global Creations

  • We can deliver the displays as a simple kit or fully assembled.
  • We develop displays taking logistical optimisation into account.
  • We are FSC certified and take the use of CO2 into account.


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